Just to remind you.

I was listening to an interview the other day with Patrick Lencioni. Craig Groeschel invited him on his podcast to share about his newest book, The 6 Types of Working Genius, and, as Craig Groeschel often does, asked his guest his favorite leadership quote.

Patrick Lencioni responded with this:

“Men more frequently require to be reminded than informed.” ― Samuel Johnson

Sometimes the weight of creativity, speaking, leading or teaching comes with this expectation to create something new. As if something you create is not valuable just because it’s been done before. Only the new and novel make the front page.

But is it the most helpful? What truly is the most valuable information you receive? Is it always living in the rush of novelty? Or is it in the reminder of timeless truths, echoing around in your brain, forgotten about until someone reminds you.

Most of us have the tools within us we need to be successful. And if we don’t, we have the tools to learn what we need to know in order to be successful. It’s fun getting to learn something new and increase our knowledge.

Life isn’t a serious of trivial pursuits though. It’s more.

Eventually what you didn’t know, you know. So now, instead of learning something new, you need to be reminded of what you already know.

Because sometimes we forget. Sometimes I forget.

Life happens that way. Things pop up that seemingly come out of nowhere, and we’re unsure how we are going to respond to them. 

Here’s the good news. Whatever it is, you can handle it. You already knew that, though. You just need reminded.

I was talking with my brother-in-law last night when we were visiting their home in Seattle. His a clinical psychologist, has his PhD, and spent a lot of time in school He learned a lot. He knows a lot. I know I could learn a lot from him.

As we were talking, he brought up counseling students through their anxiety, OCD, or other ailments. I probably butchered that line, and someone can help me put it in more correct and sensitive words. He said that the 2 things someone needs to hear who has anxiety about anything is this: 1) What you’re thinking probably won’t happen. And 2) If it does, you can handle it.

Anxiety is the great deceiver, wreaking havoc in our brains and leaving a mess of our health. It tells you and me that whatever we’re afraid of most likely will happen, and when it does, we won’t be able to handle it. We have the fear of throwing up in our home. My daughter is terrified. Why? She’s done it before, actually we all have. But there was this one time when it go really bad at home. I’ll spare you the details. Since that episode, the fear has become debilitating.

What do we do when someone is starting to feel sick? We remind them.

They know. But they need reminded. This has happened before, you’re going to be alright, and you can handle it.

Whatever it is that you’re going through right now. What is it you need reminded of? Whatever it is, you can handle it. Breathe deep. You’re going to be okay.

Also, if you know someone going through it. Let me put your heart at ease. You can add value to them, you can comfort them, you can come alongside them. No, you may not be a clinical psychologist like my brother-in-law who knows what he’s doing, but you can remind them of what’s true, what’s helpful, and what’s kind. 

They probably don’t need something new, they just need reminded.

We can do that. You can do that. I can do that, too.

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