Impact Players.

Impact Players, by Liz Wiseman.

Sometimes we read books that never end.

Sometimes the books are done before we realize we started. The author is able to tell a captivating story with content and value on every page, making it seem the book is just too short.

It’s so good, you just can’t put it down.

For me, that wasn’t the case with Impact Players. I really struggled through reading this one. I’m not quite sure why, this book was right up my alley.

It’s content is incredible, stories of people achieving and giving incredibly high inspirational value to their families, communities, and workplaces. These impact players are the people we always want on our teams, doing more than seemingly possible. They are the multipliers that are not the leaders.

A leader can only do so much.

Every leader needs impact players.

Since most of us will be in some capacity always reporting to another leader for most of our lives, the content in this book is necessary to being the leaders we desire to be.

You can lead without the title. Impact players lead without the title.

So, this one took a little longer for me to read, and yes, the words just didn’t flow like previous books I’ve read. 

But doesn’t mean the information was valuable. And for you, well, you might think the exact opposite.

I figured it’s because of the situation in my life right now. After being laid off, reading a book about being an impact player seems really hard. It’s forced me to struggle with the question, was I not an impact player enough for my company that they laid me off?

You can lead without the title. Impact players lead without the title.

I know, not a helpful thought, but I thought it nonetheless.

No. That’s not true.

But my life situation did affect how I received from this book. 

And yours will, too.

One time, I had a friend ask me do I finish every book I start. 

No, I don’t. I try to, I try to give it a shot, but sometimes I just can’t finish a book I’ve started. Something in the book just wasn’t for me at that time. I can’t explain it, but I know it.

Have you felt this way?

What if the right content was the right content for you at a different time? It doesn’t make the book a bad book, it just wasn’t for you in the moment.

That’s what my wife said about Impact Players.

I do wonder what I would think about Impact Players if I had read it at a different time in the future, or even 2 months ago.

But I didn’t.

I read it today.

And most likely, I’ll pick it up again. Why? To give it another shot, to let the truth woven throughout every page to encourage, inspire and exhort me in my growth as a leader.

Readers read.

Leaders read.

Sometimes I read books I don’t like because I read books, I love reading. Period. And, the information in the book is still true—and it’s helpful. 

I’ve already recommended this book to a number of friends. Why? Because they are impact players and they should be encouraged in that. Also, to people who need the prodding in these stories to be impact players.

Be a person of impact in your organization, especially in this current economic moment. Companies will need people who do what they do really well, that are natural genius’s in their work, to solve the problems facing organizations today.

They need you to be an impact player.

And deep down, I think you do, too.

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